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Dans le Noir ? au cœur de la tendance EATertainement

Dans le monde dynamique et en constante évolution de l'industrie hôtelière et de la restauration, il est essentiel de rester à l'avant-garde des tendances émergentes, offrant à vos clients des expériences qui vont au-delà de leurs attentes....

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Valentine's day in the dark

This year, valentine’s Day will be very special for the team of Dans le Noir ? Melbourne. It is the day of the Grand Opening of the restaurant in the new venue at Rydges on Swanston. We change the venue but we keep the same concept, the same...

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First anniversary of Dans le Noir ? Melbourne

January, here we are! One year ago, we launched the amazing adventure of Dans le Noir ? Melbourne in the foodiest city of Australia. This year has been so intense, rich and powerful for everyone who has taking part of the project. 2018 :...

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Dans le Noir ?: the social media detox experience

If the first thing you do every morning is to take your phone and watch your Insta feed before feeding yourself, If the last thing you do every night before kissing your partner and saying “Good night” is to use your device and check the...

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We are Vegetarian and Vegan friendly!

“Seasoned vegan menu”: Meat free, dairy free and 99% Gluten Free Menu One of our mysterious menu suits any vegan requirements. Enjoy three or five courses meals without any animal products and guaranteed cruelty free. We are flexible and...

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